Pre IB
PreIB is a one-year preparatory course for Danish and foreign students who have not completed 11 years of school. The teaching language is English as are the teaching materials.
The PreIB Curriculum
The PreIB curriculum consists of compulsory academic subject areas with a balanced combination of humanities, sciences and the arts. The PreIB year is divided into two. The first part is a foundation course corresponding roughly to the first part, “grundforløbet”, of the first year of the Danish upper secondary school, that is, 1.g of STX. The second term aims more directly at preparing you for the IB Diploma Programme, yet still complying with the requirements set by the Danish Ministry of Children and Education for the first year of the Danish stx. This alignment ensures that you can transfer into an STX class instead of going to the IB Diploma Programme after the first term of PreIB and again after completing PreIB. Likewise, stx students can transfer into the IB system.
All PreIB students follow courses in:
- Danish
- English
- History
- Social Science
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- German as a foreign language with a minimum of 2-3 years of prior learning (“fortsættersprog”)
If you have not studied German before, alternatives will be discussed with the IB coordinator.
You must choose at least two of the three science courses:
- Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
In most cases this choice will determine the choice of science subject(s) in the IB Diploma Programme the following year. Note that if you considering a university course in engineering or the natual sciences, entry requirements are most often Physics and Chemistry, so in that case it is advisable to choose these subjects, but you can also choose all three science subjects if you are very interested in the natural sciences. Should you, however, wish to proceed with courses within the Humanities or the Social Sciences, there is no requirements for specific science subjects.
Finally, one arts subject must be chosen:
- Visual Arts
- Music
During the autumn term these two basic courses must be followed:
- General Linguistics
- General Science
Moreover, in spring a PreIB Historical Investigation must be written in order to introduce the academic methods of writing assignments in the IB, and CAS will be introduced in connection with for instance PE and a song contest activity for the entire school in December.
In autumn the Math classes may be divided into new groups based on the students’ approaches to learning and academic backgrounds.